Residential Services

Living Room, Bedroom & Common Areas

-Wipe ceiling fans and baseboards
-Dust all accessible surfaces
-Wipe down all mirrors and glass fixtures
-Vacuum all floors / carpets
-Microfiber mop or steam mop hard floors
-Empty trash cans
-Take out garbage and recycling
-Make Beds
-Change sheets (if left out)


-Clean and sanitize the toilet, shower, tub, and sink
-Dust all accessible surfaces
-Wipe down all mirrors
-Microfiber mop or steam mop hard floors
-Take out garbage


-Dust all accessible surfaces
-Empty sink and load up dishwasher with dirty dishes Hand wash counters
-Hand wash exterior of stove, oven and fridge
-Vacuum all floor surfaces
-Microfiber mop or steam mop hard floors
-Take out garbage and recycling


- Dish Service 
-Inside Fridge
-Inside Oven
-Inside Windows 
-Shutters or Blinds